Become an OPW


Below are a list of companies and individuals I have partnered with to bring you additional information that can help you create an OPW lifestyle! All of these links will take you to highly recommended products that can assist you with your dream to travel. I do get a percentage of anything you buy, and you should know that up front. However I only recommend products from reputable individuals and companies that I am confident in. If you have any questions, I’m glad to answer them, feel free to email me at


E-Commerce: If you’re interested in working from your laptop, owning your own business, and truly being location independent with an automatic income, definitely check out Kevin Thompson’s Automatic Income System! I actually bought this program a few years ago and learned so much from him. Kevin is a self made multi-millionaire that built his lifestyle around a healthy work-life balance. In the program you’ll learn how to build a simple website that can create hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars for you, with very little effort. You’ll also learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google AdWords, auto responders, shopping carts, how to get free advertising for your site, and how to set it up so that money comes in automatically. I will warn you that Kevin doesn’t put a lot of effort into making this program “pretty.” Don’t judge it based on the old school look of the actual program, base your opinions on the results, because they will come!

Copywriting: Until recently I had no idea people were making so much money simply utilizing basic writing skills! There are people traveling the world and providing for themselves by writing advertisements, mass emails, form letters, and anything in between. The best part is, with this program they show you how to become copywriter and get hired, with no experience!

Writing: Being a skilled writer is great, you’re truly talented and pocess a skill few others have. Unfortunately that is only half the battle, you now need to get paid for your skill! If you have a passion for writing but haven’t quite figured how to convert that into an generating endeavor, check this program out from the American Writers Association.

Photography and Stock Photography: If you’re anything like me, you love traveling and have a hard drive full of pictures from your journeys. Did you know you could get paid for the photos? Better yet, did you know that the key to selling these photos isn’t necessarily your photography skills, it is more so how and where you market yourself. These programs offer two different paths, one for pure photography and the other for stock photography, which is perhaps for the less artistic out there…like me! Check them out and see which one fits you best!

Social Media: The latest craze, social media! Well as we all know there are plenty of small businesses out there that don’t know (and don’t want to know) how to like, post, tweet, or pin a thing…and that creates opportunities for us! However, getting hired, marketing yourself, and truly knowing the business of social media is a lot different than posting a few pictures of you and your friends on the weekend. Check out this program if you think social media might be right for you!

Online Video Marketing: Believe it or not, you can get paid for all those videos you take while traveling. Whether it’s 10 seconds or 20 minutes, there are companies out there that will pay you for these videos, and it doesn’t take much effort on your part. Best of all, all you need is a basic video camera, or even your smart phone, and you can be up and running. Armed with your camera and the info in this program, you can start making money almost instantly from anywhere with an internet connection.

Freelancing: This is a broad subject, and one that is sometimes a bit daunting. Freelancing can include anything really, and most of the other tabs here could be considered freelancing positions. However maybe you’re a jack of all trades and not one to tie yourself to one job description. Maybe you like photography, writing, building websites, and blogging. Well this program will coach you on how to become a professional freelancer. That means you will market yourself as someone that can take on various tasks, virtually from your laptop. The great thing is, you have variety, you can take on as much or little work as you want, and you have complete location independence.

Research Assistant: While doing research isn’t my thing, that would be the exact reason positions like this exist! If you enjoy and/or have a talent for doing research, on really any subject, then there are people out there that will pay you to do it. So, the question then becomes, how do you go about getting a job like this? Where do the people hiring go to find talent, and what kind of jobs are out there for you? That is where this program coms in.

Graphic Design: The fact is, graphic design is an emerging business with an endless supply of customers. We need logos, banners, advertisements, signs, and the like, but most of us don’t have a clue how to do it! If you have a background in Graphic Design but want to work location independently, this is the program for you. If you don’t have a background in GD, that is ok too, because this program will coach you on how to get started in this business. They will show you how to get hired and where to market yourself, which will set you up for perpetual success and location independence!

Website Building: As with Graphic Design, Website Design is one of those businesses with a never ending demand. Every business out there needs a website and even if you’re the most talented web designer out there, getting hired is a challenge in a world full of competition. This program will take you through all the steps necessary to become a web designer, market yourself, and get hired. Again, you can do this from anywhere in the world, and on your terms.

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